Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Day 1 letter

Dear Ex-bestfriend,
Its a shame things had to come to an end. But some friends are meant to stay in your life while others are only there for a short time. I dont regret anything, and im not sorry for anything you feel that I did was wrong. I always stand for what is right, even if that means standing against my best friends. I stood out against you and your actions and now you hate me, and thats fine. The loss of your friendship has had minimal effect on me, which leads me to believe that we just werent true friends the way you liked others to perceive. Truth is you have some serious psychological issues, and it all does stem from your mother. Your mother treats you like absolute shit, yet you still have this innate need to please her in everything you do.. But ill be honest right now, your mom is an evil person. She hates you for being gay, and as much as you want to deny it, or she denies it, the proof is in her actions and in her words. She told you that she only loves you because she has to, because shes your mom... Thats not motherly love, thats evil. I get your desire to be loved by your parents, but realistically thats not the hand we are all dealt. You had friends who loved you, and who tried and tried to be there for you. And you threw all of us away. Every one of your childhood friends, and any friends in between, you trashed in a cold manner. You simply said you didnt lose anyone of us, but you threw the garbage from your life. To your childhood best friends. You dont deserve fogiveness, and I dont expect your skull to comprehend that your actions and words are very wrong. I will never apologize for standing for what i feel is the right thing. Hope you have a good time with no friends and no one to turn to because you threw us out of your life. 

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