Saturday, May 25, 2013

soul mates

The day old question, Do soul mates exist?
Yes soul mates exist, but not in the way Hollywood makes them out. A soul mate is someone who connects with you on an emotional level, a deeper level than any other person has accomplished. A soul mate can be a friend, a family member, best friend, or the traditional one, a lover.
Soul mates are put in our lives at carefully selected times. I read once, "People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back. A soul mates purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life..."
There is nothing truer than that. They come in fill a void in your heart, warm a spot in there, then they leave, leaving a hole for someone else to come and fill with new knowledge and new experiences.
I believe our souls are connected with fellow souls, and much of our life is this gravitational pull to our next experience. If the reality of past lives is in fact true, then I am forced to believe that souls through time form deep connections, and search for each other constantly. And in a string of luck might possibly get to connect again. Sometimes maybe those souls face the same fate they have always faced and are forced to part, and maybe, just maybe they get things right in this lifetime and end up being together for this life at the very least.
Its a beautiful thing to think about, whether true or not, it is nice to think that maybe at one point in time those souls have touched each other. I don't believe we have souls, I believe we are souls, and these are our bodies. A mere host for this lifetime.
I have been lucky enough to have met two of my soul mates. One of them being my best friend, and the other a past love. How can anyone be sure that someone they meet is a soul mate? There is no clear answer, no right or wrong. It is all about the pure feelings. When you meet someone and you have that instant connection, it is undeniable that those two people are meant to be a part of each others lives, whether for a brief time, or forever.
These two people have touched my heart beyond feelings, they have graced my soul. They have both taught me things about myself, and life that I would not have otherwise had knowledge of. The love was short, but not forgotten. I will never not love that girl, but our soul mate time ended. Maybe one of those soul mates that is destined to repeat the past? The other one, my best friend, I could confidently say knows me better than I know myself.
Cliche, yes, but true nonetheless. She knows every nook and cranny of my mind, even thousands of miles apart, rarely seeing each other, and minimal talks, she is the closest person to my heart to this day. Closer than my family, and any partner I have ever had has gotten to.
Soul mates don't come once in your life, but throughout our lives, helping us shape ourselves. They are the people that walk us through obstacles we may not even realize we had until years later. They make you feel a little less empty, and a lot more whole. Their is no such thing as a perfect soul mate. They are meant to push your buttons, challenge you, and make you a better you along the way.

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